Wellness Center for Older Adults

Preventive Health Services
Our Preventive Health Program fulfills two community needs. First, it provides services that are often not covered by Medicare or other insurance programs. Second, our services are ideal for those individuals aged 55-64 who may have lost health coverage due to loss of employment, or who may have high deductible policies and need a cost effect way to monitor chronic diseases such as diabetes or hypertension.
Health Screenings such as blood pressure and blood sugar. These are at no charge.
Foot care includes trimming and filing toenails and assessing feet for ulcers, impaired circulation and making referrals as needed. This service is $20
Ear care includes assessing for, and removing cerumen. This service is $25
Low cost lab work. Professional lab work with no doctor’s order required. The cost varies depending upon the lab tests ordered.
Health Education; one-on-one with nurse or group setting for topics such as healthy eating, fall prevention and home safety measures.
Medication Management includes instruction on usage, dosages and side effects of medications.
Free Blood Pressure checks are available with no appointment needed on the first Thursday of the month from 10-11:30 at the south entrance of the building.
Durable Medical
We lend durable medical equipment
such as walkers, wheelchairs, rolaters,
canes, 3-in-1 commode chairs, and tub
transfer bench to Collin County seniors for a period of 2-3 months. Donations for the use of equipment are always greatly appreciated, and help us defer the cost of storing overflow equipment. We also have limited quantities of adult incontinence products for seniors who may not be able to afford those products. Please call us for information on availability. There is no cost for these loans but we do ask that you return them once you are able to replace that piece of DME with a permanent item.
To request an appointment with the Nurse, visit our
INTAKE page to submit your request online.