Wellness Center for Older Adults

Project Independence
A volunteer based program that provides short-term, non-medical assistance to seniors aged 60+ who have had a recent hospitalization or health decline. Services such as transportation to the doctor, errands and well checks are provided for approximately 6-8 weeks. A program coordinator works with the senior to ensure that he or she can remain independent and healthy following discharge from Project Independence. There is no charge. Not only are we looking for seniors who are in need of the services, but also volunteers who are willing to provide assistance with transportation, errands, well checks or other assistance.

Brain Storming Activities
Want to keep your brain sharp? The Wellness Center conducts programs that are stimulating and fun mental exercises. Classes are held at the Sam Johnson Recreation Center and have resumed now that the center is open again to the general public.
We also offer a Memory Café program here at the Sam Johnson Recreation Center. These classes provide socialization and information for individuals with forms of dementia as well as their caregiver. These classes are currently held on the forth Wednesday at 1:00 - 2:30 pm. Please RSVP for this class at 972-953-7669
Our Mental Aerobics class is designed to keep minds sharp through puzzles, critical thinking exercises, jigsaw puzzles, and a variety of different activities that require thinking skills. This class is on the second Tuesday of the month from 10:30-11:30am held at the Sam Johnson Recreation Center.

Homeless Prevention
The Wellness Center for Older Adults offers Homeless Street Outreach, Homeless Prevention and Rapid Rehousing Services through the MDHA (Metro Dallas Homeless Alliance). We have partnered with Hope Restored Missions to assist those living in their cars or on the streets. This program offers assistance to obtain basic necessities for currently homeless clients, and funding for essential documents like birth certificates, Social Security cards and state IDs. Financial assistance includes rent, utility assistance, moving expenses, application fees and deposits as well as case management to maintain or obtain permanent housing and state/federal benefits.
Services are available to those who are actively homeless, are 55+ years of age, and a Collin County resident. Client must be homeless, be at or below 50% of area median income. Priority populations include those with chronic health conditions, have little resources or family support, are chronically homeless, and /or veterans.